The Pennsylvania Bus Association (PBA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to representing the business and governmental interests of private bus companies operating in Pennsylvania and beyond. It is also the mission of PBA to promote travel by motorcoach, and tour and charter service provided by operator members in cooperation with and support for its travel industry supplier members. The Association is committed to a Code of Ethics in which its members strive to offer the highest level of safety in their operations, quality in their services, and consumer protection for their customers.


The primary purpose of the Association from its founding in 1923 has been and will continue to be the maintaining of a viable presence in the legislative and regulatory process which impact so greatly upon our industry and consequently upon the quality and cost of service our operators provide for the traveling public. Philosophically, a sound governmental relations posture is the basis upon which all other Association activities have been established. While the PBA concentrates most of its attention upon governmental matters at the State level, we do cooperate with the American Bus Association and United Motorcoach Association in promoting or impeding legislation and regulations at the National level, which similarly affect the bus transportation industry. PBA has a contract lobbyist located in Harrisburg, PA.


To compliment the governmental affair program, the Association established a Political Action Committee called Motorcoach PAC. Limited to involvements in state legislative elections, the PAC operates within state guidelines and reporting requirements. Motorcoach PAC has and will continue to further PBA's legislative efforts through the careful utilization of our financial resources.


PBA can assist bus operator members with a variety of industry issues. Staff members maintain contacts and relationships with many governmental agencies, various state authorities and national and state trade associations.


PBA continues to direct considerable time, effort, and resources to the promotion of travel and tourism both on an intrastate and interstate basis. Each spring, the Association conducts a travel marketplace whereby a broad range of destinations, hotels, attractions and travel promotion agencies are featured in an exposition setting. While this scenario affords an opportunity for bus operators and their tour and charter personnel to establish contacts with destination representatives, the basic purpose of the PBA Marketplace is to bring group leaders or end customers in contact with representatives of the travel-hospitality industry. More importantly, it has become a proven business stimulant for both PBA Operators and our Supplier Members who participate.  PBA Members receive reduced registration pricing for Marketplace.


Held each year, usually mid-June, the Association conducts its major business and educational meeting which is devoted to learning, communication of ideas, social interaction, and recreation. Attendees are divided between Supplier and Operator Members. The PBA Annual Conference has, as its tradition, the involvement of bus owners, their top-level management people and the families of both. A key characteristic of the yearly event is its informality and relaxed atmosphere.  PBA Members receive reduced registration pricing for the Annual Conference.


This event provides unlimited business opportunities between PBA’s motorcoach operator members and travel suppliers at the Annual Conference! The operators have a table, and the travel suppliers will be divided into group A and B so that everyone has time to visit with the operators without standing in line and waiting. Everyone will have 6-minute visits at motorcoach operator tables. There is plenty of time to visit all the operators so that you can talk about your property, attraction, venue, etc.


This event is specifically designed for the motorcoach operators attending the Annual Conference and companies that service the motorcoach industry such as bus manufacturers, insurance, seating, technology, etc. It is an opportunity for these companies to meet one-on-one with the motorcoach operator representatives to learn about their products and how to utilize them in their operations. With a variety of networking opportunities at the conference, any associate member can continue that networking during the evening events, hospitality suites, etc.


PBA partners with industry Subject Matter Experts to bring you the Annual Motorcoach Safety & Preparedness Workshop and virtual and in-person learning opportunities on many topics of interest.


This program honors our bus operators' drivers and employees who have an exceptional performance record and service to their employer. The Driver and Employee of Distinction Awards Program luncheon is held at the Annual Conference.


The goal of the Scholarship Program is to support Member education goals and to encourage the pursuit of formal education. Formal education includes trade certification, specialized training and of course, college. There will be two annual scholarships awarded in the amount of $1,000 each.


This is PBA’s newsletter which is published bi-weekly and distributed to our full membership and agencies and firms doing business with PBA.


PBA shares important and time-sensitive news, outside of the bi-weekly newsletter.


PBA Staff maintains an extensive online library of helpful bulletins, archived communications, access to forms and industry links, as well as upcoming events. In addition, we publish a comprehensive outline of Association programs and priorities.


The PBA membership platform allows you to manage your PBA membership with self-service tools such as view and pay invoices, view and register for events, keep your member record updated and more. The platform houses the Membership Directory, a highly reliable reference tool, with expanded listings of our Operator Member personnel along with descriptive information on Associate and Supplier Member products and services.


Member involvement in PBA is critical to provide direction to the Board of Directors and staff. PBA has revitalized our many committees including Annual Conference, Ethics, Executive, Legislative & Advocacy, Marketplace, Membership, Nominating, and special ad hoc committees such as our 100th Anniversary. We invite interested members to join a committee and become part of the planning process at PBA. Good ideas and new directions come out of people in an industry that work together.


PBA works closely with the American Bus Association and United Motorcoach Association on federal issues and the interpretation of many DOT and FMCSA laws and regulations.


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Goodwill and lighthearted rapport between bus operators may be the most valuable benefit of PBA membership. PBA events provide opportunities for friendships to develop and ideas to be exchanged. Operators enjoy speaking the industry language (Bus Talk) with others of like interests. The value of one new idea exceeds the cost of membership.